Wulumperi Sexual Health Unit

You are in good hands when you visit or contact us at the Melbourne Sexual Health Centre. Getting help at Melbourne Sexual Health Centre couldn’t be easier. Whether you need information, advice, testing or treatment for your sexual health, you can be assured of receiving expert help from our friendly, caring staff. All our services are FREE, non-judgmental & confidential.

You don’t need an appointment, as we are a walk-in service, however some appointments can be made on Thursday evenings. You can speak confidentially to our triage nurse who will guide you through your visit. Young people and adults are welcome at our service and we support all clients who are gay, straight, bisexual, transgender etc. When you visit us, you don’t need your Medicare Card and you do not need a referral from a doctor. You can also ring our Results and Information line on 03 9341 6200 and ask our nurses any general questions.

580 Swanston Street
Carlton Vic 3053

(03) 9341 6200
